Manicure Monday- Drama Sheen

Hello everyone! Happy Monday 🙂

Yesterday was my birthday, I turned 17, and it was also Easter! Like always I get tons of different nail polishes for Easter. This one was by far my favorite, and it’s perfect for spring.

Check it out:



IMG_7652I love this polish especially because of its sheen. When it’s in the light you can see the different refluxes.

Hope you enjoyed this post, and stay tuned for more!

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Hello! Long time no post, had a bit of writers block. But I’m back and ready to share with you a new product I’ve been loving.

As we all know, summer is on it’s way. Of course once summer is here we get to take off our layers, and expose our not so summer ready skin to the warm sun! So with summer in mind, I picked up a new body scrub while I was shopping around Marshall’s. Here’s what it looks like:


Not only does it smell SO delicious that I want to eat it.. but it leaves my  body feeling so hydrated and smooth. On top of all that, it was only $3.99! Such a great price, another reason why I love Marshall’s. So if you’re on the hunt for a great exfoliater definitely check out this brand.

Happy Tuesday!

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